Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bienvenue à mon jardin

Welcome to my garden!

Devonia from Many Shades of Shabby has tagged me,
so as we walk around my garden, I'll tell you seven weird
and random facts about me. Seems fitting as my garden
contains many shabby's in the shade.

1. I love curved lines. Curved paths and flower beds,
I try to add curves to everything. An obsession almost.
No, not almost, it is!

This is my sideyard actually. That is the garage in the background
2. I have this thing about old brick and stone.
If you notice to the left of this photo there is
a framed wall. That is going to be a stone wall,
I live in a very, very old farmhouse which
just never seems to be finished.
3. Little things seem to thrill me!
Two years ago I planted a pink hydrangea and got the first
bloom this year! It's perfect don't you think?
4. I like garden statuary. I know you are really
surprised by that one.
5. I spoil Zoe rotten. I just can't help it, but she is like my child!
Bacon for breakfast and chicken for dinner. I love dogs!
6. I struggle with discipline. Sometimes, I purchase a
piece, (or two), in France, that I just have to bring home.
The metal doors above are a perfect example. They
will be painted and will be incorporated into the stone
wall that separates the back yard. Told you my
house is never finished!
7. I have some of the most wonderful clients ever.
There is a story behind the angels on c-scrolls.
I brought them back from France on one of my
trips and put them in the store to sell.
I have a client, we'll call him Mr. S.
He was quizzing me one day about what my
favorite finds were. Of course these were
on my list.
He purchased them and asked me to hold them
for him.
A week later, I get this beautiful letter in
the mail that reads something like this....
Dear Shawn,
I want you to know how much I appreciate
your going to France and bringing back
all these lovely things for us to enjoy.
The letter continues like this for a
while and then ends with....
Please accept these angels as a token
of my appreciation. I know that you
will appreciate them.
Mr. S
This is a true story!!!
No, he is not in love with me either,
let's just say I am not his type.
Needless to say, I cried, called him and
told him he was crazy, I could not accept
He wouldn't hear of it, so we came to an
agreement...that one day I would pass
them on to another person who I knew
would appreciate them also.
Until that day, I will walk out my
backdoor and they will remind me,
the world is a beautiful place full of
beautiful people!
Thank you Mr. S !!!!!
Just a side note here...
I am not going to tag anyone. I am afraid that
maybe the game is getting old.
Bisou mon ami's
Hope you enjoyed my garden.


Chez Bliss said...

Shawn, your garden is so lovely, like something out of Architectural Digest but more personal. Thanks for sharing that delightful tale about the angels. May they always bring you delight.

Robin said...

What a great post, I enjoyed learning these little things about you, and your beautiful garden is all the more lovely for having its little guardian angels.

Lisa & Alfie said...

That story is just lovely Shawn. What an insightful and generous person that gentleman is.
Lisa & Alfie

S said...

Oh, I just love your garden...its so wonderful. I think we never finish our homes...even when you think you have you tend to come up with another great idea! :)


Mélanie said...

Your garden looks gorgeous !
It is just the way I imagine it

Anonymous said...

I think you should keep those precious angels to help you remember the wheat and the tare parable. We encounter so many "weeds" in our lives but it's so heartwarming when we truly meet that special person that recognizes our efforts in making our world a better place to live. You obviously deserve it as your shopping may be your hobby as well as your livlihood, it's still WORK..... It's hard schleping all that stuff around from store to store. Most people don't realize what you go through to make your salon truly "French" and appealing. That stuff is NOT just sitting there waiting for your return. You have to "find" it. So I say, Keep them!!! You are worthy.
Hilary (I so enjoy seeing all your treasures and just wish I could ever own one.

Lola Enchanted said...

Hello~ Your garden is just wonderful! Zoe is adorable!!
Thanks for the tour!!!~

Enjoy your weekend!

Barb said...

Mr S is an angel in disguise! What a kind gesture. Your garden is stunning. It looks very European, which is fitting.

Zoe should be spoiled. I love dogs too and being a grandma, I believe in spoiling.

Have a great weekend,

cotedetexas said...

gorgeous gardens. Of course you love curves - you love French!!!!

beautiful gardens - beautiful pictures - as always.


Taddie Tales said...

Whoa - those hostas of yours sure are happy. I love the purple blooms. Any idea what the name of that variety is? Hostas are one of my favs but I've never seen one with such a pretty purple flower.

Beautiful garden - I wouldn't expect anything different since you have such exquisite taste.

What a lucky gal you are to have such fabulous clients. And such a kind, future gesture to his kindness to you.

Happy Summer!

Anonymous said...

ohh! your garden is lovely! How nice of Mr. S....

Anonymous said...

Your garden is divine!!! Can I go on vacation there ;-) ??!! I loved the story about Mr S! It really made my day reading that, what a special person, and what a beautiful way to spread love and kindness to the world!

Anonymous said...

I have been lucky enough to see Shawn's home in person and, while the pictures are truly beautiful, they do not do the place justice. As Shawn has always said, it is the SPIRIT of France that inspires. I supposed I could hire an interior designer to make my home "look" French, but Shawn's home FEELS like another place and time. It is uniquely Shawn. That same spirit is what makes her shop so special. (Boy, am I lucky I married her brother!!!)