It has been a while since I've posted and I apologize.
The Holidays have kept me a bit occupied.
I wanted to say "Happy Holidays" and I have
a Christmas wish for you! My wish for you, is that someone tells you that they
love you, and in return, you never leave those words
unspoken. Twenty five years ago, we lost my Mother to breast cancer.
I tell you this, not to get sympathy, but to share a gift our
family received.
It was a long ordeal, trips in and out of hospitals, rude
encounters with reality, and cherished moments that
softened the blows.
My brother, Regan, was making weekend trips home
from the University to make the most from what
was.. limited time.
Sunday evenings became routine. Folding and packing
the weeks laundry, loading the car and readying
for his return trip. The last Sunday was no different
from the many that had preceded it, he was going
through the motions. Goodbyes said, keys in the
ignition, it would have been so easy for him to drive
off...BUT, he remembered he forgot to tell Mom that
he loved her. Running back to the house (pressed
for time which IS his trademark), he kisses Mom's
cheek and whispers those sweet words, I Love You.
I think you know how the story ends.
It is so easy isn't it, to get caught up in our daily
routines and take life for granted.
You never know what tomorrow brings, so please
share those simple words.
That is my wish for you, from our family to yours!
Happy Holidays and Bisou!
Thanks to my friend, Jodee for sending me the photos
and PS Jodee.... I Love You!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Christmas Wish pour toi
Friday, November 28, 2008
Simply French
I had to do a test on these videos!
Chef Gregoire Guiot of
Mirabelle Gourmet Catering
At my shop, "European Antique Market", we are
all about the authentic French Lifestyle!
Several years ago, a customer walked through
my door, because he was homesick and needed
a fix. The "Law of Attraction", in action!
Fast forward, we are now great friends and
do what we can to promote one another's
business. We have a common bond....
The Love of France!
European Antique Market started hosting
cooking classes titled "Simply French",
taught by the talented Parisian trained,
Chef Greg. He has developed somewhat of
a cult following, but if you ever tasted his
cuisine, you would understand why.
Makes for a nice ambiance, feasting on
French food, surrounded by French antiques.
My brother Regan, who owns 2Thomases Video,
was kind enough to put together a video in
exchange for a dinner from Chef Greg.
So here they are!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
endroits à boire
Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé
Very important you know to pick the proper place
in which to drink the bottle!
So, I went scouting for us :), in the South of France
of course!
Think the owners would mind if we hung out on
the grounds of their quaint chateau?
Probably not, since it is for sale.
We could just go from room to room.
Don't you love those windows?
A perfect place for an aperitif with all the
fold up garden furniture pieces. The barrel stone ceiling in this Tuscan style kitchen is
fabulous and the baskets over the cupboard, soooo
Soaking in a tub here would be the perfect way to
Sunday, November 16, 2008
dimanche après-midi
il fait froid à Louisville.
It is cold in Louisville and possible snow flurries!
I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday Afternoon,
than cuddled up in front of this French Gothic Fireplace
from Origines.
Grab your cashmere throw
and a glass of Merlot,
because off a blog hopping,
we will go!
First stop, the blog Velvet & Linen, the wonderful world
of California designer, Brooke Giannetti.
Brooke shares her stylish home, interior design ideas,
and her love for French and Swedish antiques.
Monochromatic colors and french shutters,
Gilded chairs and a vintage flair
I know you will enjoy your time there!!
Now, top off your glass
and get ready for more class!
Capturing beauty is exactly what Australian stylist, Coty Farquhar does.
Whether it is styling for a wedding, a magazine shoot, or children's clothing, her work is entertainment for les yeux.
How lucky for us, she is willing to share
Visit her here , and into her world, you will peer.
Two wonderful blogs I had to share. I hope you enjoy them and stay warm!
Sante and Bisou :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
petits luxes

This is about the time I start to obsess over wrapping paper.

Of course, we would all love some of those Laduree
Friday, October 31, 2008
théâtre de la vie
Years ago, there was a girl, (we will call her The Performer), who landed the leading role in the theater.
National Theater of Iceland courtesy of Didaskalia
Not only did she get the lead part, she got Producer, Director, Casting Coordinator and Prop Master.
The only thing she was given was the title of the play.
The title was, and is, "Life".
No limits, no boundaries... only complete
freedom in how she chooses to act out this story and
communicate it with her audience.
Like the renaissance troupes before her, there have been times when she shields her face by masks. Once the masks are touched by "the Performer", they become props, material objects used to enrich the storyline and add character,(Untouched, they simply remain set decorations).
The Performer likes to touch, therefore she has many props. Most of her props are French Antiques. Like the Greek masks of comedy and tragedy, French Antiques help her enrich her story. They are props that communicate emotion and without emotion, there is no life.

She wants to know the gift of the blind. . .
For her fingertips to act as eyes and feel more than just the uneven grain of an old plank antique floor. She wants to touch more than the expression, on the chiseled face of a marble bust. She wants to be connected to the beautiful thoughts of the creator, who can only enrich her spirit and in the end, that is all she has to give.

Her hand will graze the plaster walls and she will know the stories held within their age. She will take in the curved lines and decorative motifs of the Louis XV furniture, and sense the influence of Madame Pompadour. You see, these props of hers, help her to tell a more intimate side of her story.
Her hand will follow the stitches entwined with love, that are passed through generations and remind her that joyous moments live forever and when shared, are doubled.
These props, they give her the means for self reflection, they remind her she is the director and the performer. She chooses how long to hold up any mask before her face. (look closely, do you see the reflection in the floor)?
As not to fall into the vast sea of sameness, her creativity needs not set decoration, but props. The performer is of the belief that her spirit carries with it, something that is greater than self. It is not something that can be seen, only touched.
She often contemplates her story and carries with her pieces of the past, to form the present.
These French Antiques are not just material things to her. They become props in her Theater of Life. A means of helping her express who she is and what she feels.This is just a random page from "The Performer's" play.
Set location photos are via Shootfactory, a wonderful site I found via Di at DesignersBlock
Bisou and Happy Halloween
Sunday, October 26, 2008
plus de curiosités
IF, you should tire of raking leaves,
visit Madrid based photographer, Eugenio Recuenco's website.
Recuenco has to be one of the most creative people
on the planet ...
unlike the portrait of the specimen above, who appears
to be a bit left-brain dominant.
Recuenco's photographs tell a story in which
his characters just happen to dress fashionable...
much more interesting than "pretty people posing",
don't you think?
Lucky for those of you close to Miami, as
Recuenco's work will be on exhibit at the
Galerie-Bertin-Toublanc through November.

Merci Eugenio, for giving us such visual delights and
Bisou mes ami's